Monday, December 14, 2009

Love Hurts?

See, they tell you when it's love
That it hurts
& that's how you know it's real
But see I don't think that's the deal
Cause see when it's real
It's supposed to be a constant euphoria
& even when it's bad, it's not that bad
& even when you fall asleep crying
You see that person in your dreams
But, see crying don't make it real love
& neither does pain
Sometimes pain means you gotta let go
& even though that seems hard in the end
You will reach your pot of gold
Cause love is a funny phenomenon
& you never know where it will take you
You make think you found that real love
Cause you run home crying every night
But the way I see it that ain't love, sweetie
The good should outweigh the bad
& the memories shouldn't make you mad
& you shouldn't be crying every night but
Once in a while ain't that bad
See, when you break up more than you make up
That ain't love.
When you start to believe all the bullshit
That ain't love.
They tell you they love you when it's convenient.
That ain't love.
Yeah, love can hurt.
Once in a while.
But, not all the time so see
Love don't gotta mean pain.
Maybe you just need to sit & think.

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